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.Where the Starry Mills of SatanM4.3; E97| Are built beneath the Earth & Waters of the Mundane ShellM4.4; E97| Here the Three Classes of Men take their Sexual texture WovenM4.5; E97| The Sexual is Threefold: the Human is Fourfold.M4.6; E98| If you account it Wisdom when you are angry to be silent, andM4.7; E98| Not to shew it: I do not account that Wisdom but Folly.M4.8; E98| Every Mans Wisdom is peculiar to his own Individ[u]alityM4.9; E98| O Satan my youngest born, art thou not Prince of the Starry HostsM4.10; E98| And of the Wheels of Heaven, to turn the Mills day & night?M4.11; E98| Art thou not Newtons Pantocrator weaving the Woof of LockeM4.12; E98| To Mortals thy Mills seem every thing & the Harrow of ShaddaiM4.13; E98| A scheme of Human conduct invisible & incomprehensibleM4.14; E98| Get to thy Labours at the Mills & leave me to my wrath.M4.15; E98| Satan was going to reply, but Los roll'd his loud thunders. M4.16; E98| Anger me not! thou canst not drive the Harrow in pitys paths.M4.17; E98| Thy Work is Eternal Death, with Mills & Ovens & Cauldrons.M4.18; E98| Trouble me no more.thou canst not have Eternal LifeM4.19; E98| So Los spoke! Satan trembling obeyd weeping along the way.M4.20; E98| Mark well my words, they are of your eternal SalvationM4.21; E98| Between South Molton Street & Stratford Place: Calvarys footM4.22; E98| Where the Victims were preparing for Sacrifice their CherubimM4.23; E98| Around their loins pourd forth their arrows & their bosoms beamM4.24; E98| With all colours of precious stones, & their inmost palacesM4.25; E98| Resounded with preparation of animals wild & tameM4.26; E98| (Mark well my words! Corporeal Friends are Spiritual Enemies)M4.27; E98| Mocking Druidical Mathematical Proportion of Length Bredth HighthM4.28; E98| Displaying Naked Beauty! with Flute & Harp & SongM5.1; E98| Palamabron with the fiery Harrow in morning returningM5.2; E98| From breathing fields.Satan fainted beneath the artilleryM5.3; E98| Christ took on Sin in the Virgins Womb, & put it off on the CrossM5.4; E98| All pitied the piteous & was wrath with the wrathful & Los heard it.M5.5; E98| And this is the manner of the Daughters of Albion in their beautyM5.6; E98| Every one is threefold in Head & Heart & Reins, & every oneM5.7; E98| Has three Gates into the Three Heavens of Beulah which shineM5.8; E98| Translucent in their Foreheads & their Bosoms & their LoinsM5.9; E98| Surrounded with fires unapproachable: but whom they pleaseM5.10; E98| They take up into their Heavens in intoxicating delightM5.11; E98| For the Elect cannot be Redeemd, but Created continuallyM5.12; E98| By Offering & Atonement in the crue[l]ties of Moral LawM5.13; E98| Hence the three Classes of Men take their fix'd destinationsM5.14; E98| They are the Two Contraries & the Reasoning Negative.M5.15; E98| While the Females prepare the Victims.the Males at FurnacesM5.16; E98| And Anvils dance the dance of tears & pain.loud lightningsM5.17; E98| Lash on their limbs as they turn the whirlwinds loose uponM5.18; E98| The Furnaces, lamenting around the Anvils & this their Song[:]M5.19; E99| Ah weak & wide astray! Ah shut in narrow doleful formM5.20; E99| Creeping in reptile flesh upon the bosom of the groundM5.21; E99| The Eye of Man a little narrow orb closd up & dark M5.22; E99| Scarcely beholding the great light conversing with the VoidM5.23; E99| The Ear, a little shell in small volutions shutting outM5.24; E99| All melodies & comprehending only Discord and HarmonyM5.25; E99| The Tongue a little moisture fills, a little food it cloysM5.26; E99| A little sound it utters & its cries are faintly heardM5.27; E99| Then brings forth Moral Virtue the cruel Virgin BabylonM5.28; E99| Can such an Eye judge of the stars? & looking thro its tubesM5.29; E99| Measure the sunny rays that point their spears on UdanadanM5.30; E99| Can such an Ear filld with the vapours of the yawning pit.M5.31; E99| Judge of the pure melodious harp struck by a hand divine?M5.32; E99| Can such closed Nostrils feel a joy? or tell of autumn fruitsM5.33; E99| When grapes & figs burst their covering to the joyful airM5.34; E99| Can such a Tongue boast of the living waters? or take inM5.35; E99| Ought but the Vegetable Ratio & loathe the faint delightM5.36; E99| Can such gross Lips percieve? alas! folded within themselvesM5.37; E99| They touch not ought but pallid turn & tremble at every windM5.38; E99| Thus they sing Creating the Three Classes among Druid RocksM5.39; E99| Charles calls on Milton for Atonement.Cromwell is readyM5.40; E99| James calls for fires in Golgonooza.for heaps of smoking ruinsM5.41; E99| In the night of prosperity and wantonness which he himself CreatedM5.42; E99| Among the Daughters of Albion among the Rocks of the DruidsM5.43; E99| When Satan fainted beneath the arrows of ElynittriaM5.44; E99| And Mathematic Proportion was subdued by Living ProportionM6.1; E99| From Golgonooza the spiritual Four-fold London eternalM6.2; E99| In immense labours & sorrows, ever building, ever falling,M6.3; E99| Thro Albions four Forests which overspread all the Earth,M6.4; E99| From London Stone to Blackheath east: to Hounslow west:M6.5; E99| To Finchley north: to Norwood south: and the weightsM6.6; E99| Of Enitharmons Loom play lulling cadences on the winds of AlbionM6.7; E99| From Caithness in the north, to Lizard-point & Dover in the southM6.8; E99| Loud sounds the Hammer of Los, & loud his Bellows is heardM6.9; E99| Before London to Hampsteads breadths & Highgates heights ToM6.10; E99| Stratford & old Bow: & across to the Gardens of KensingtonM6.11; E99| On Tyburns Brook: loud groans Thames beneath the iron Forget218M6.12; E99| Of Rintrah & Palamabron of Theotorm[on] & Bromion, to forge the instrumentsM6.13; E99| Of Harvest: the Plow & Harrow to pass over the NationsM6.14; E99| The Surrey hills glow like the clinkers of the furnace: Lambeths Vale M6.15; E99| Where Jerusalems foundations began; where they were laid in ruinsM6 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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