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.Terminal services In Microsoft Win-dows 2000 Server, an optional componentSee also tn3270.that provides multiple user sessions fromthe same machine; also known as thin-temporary swap file A swap spaceclient computing, multiuser Windows, orthat is created every time it is needed.Aserver-based computing.temporary swap file can consist of severaldiscontinuous pieces of hard-disk space.AWith Terminal services installed, the majortemporary swap file does not occupy hard- portion of all application processing takesdisk space if the application that created itplace on the server, rather than on the client,is not running.allowing you to use cheaper client hard-ware, install application software on theSee also swap space; permanent swap file;server rather than on every client, and ad-virtual memory.minister the server from a remote console.ter A term describing a tertiary CCITTterminate-and-stay-residentrecommendation, an alternative or exten-program Abbreviated TSR.A small ac-sion to the primary or secondary recom-cessory or utility program that stays loadedmendation.in memory, even when it is not actually run-See also bis.ning.A TSR can be invoked quickly to per-form a specific task.tera- Abbreviated T.A prefix that meansTSR s are often used with single-tasking op-1012 in the metric system,erating systems such as MS-DOS.1,000,000,000,000; commonly referred toas one trillion in the American numbering terminator A device attached to the lastsystem, and one million million in the Brit- peripheral device in a series or the last nodeish numbering system.on a network.379Copyright © 2000 SYBEX Inc., Alameda, CA.www.sybex.com2461book Page 380 Thursday, May 4, 2000 11:59 AMTEXFor example, the last device on a SCSI bus thin client In a client/server network, amust terminate the bus; otherwise, the bus client that requires relatively small amountswill not perform properly.A 50-ohm resis- of local memory and hard-disk space andtor is placed at both ends of an Ethernet leaves most of the processing to the server.cable to prevent signals reflecting and inter- Sometimes called a Windows terminal.fering with the transmission.In some cases, the client operating system,See also active termination; forced perfectas well as the applications the client runstermination; passive termination.and the data it manipulates, all reside on theserver.TEX A typesetting language developed bySee also NetPC; network computer; totalDonald E.Knuth of Stanford University,cost of ownership; Zero Administration forcapable of professional-quality typeset text,Windows.particularly of mathematical equations andscientific, Japanese, Chinese, Cyrillic, andthin-client computing See TerminalArabic text.services.TEX is not easy for the casual user to mas-ter, but several packages are available con- thin Ethernet Connecting coaxial cableused on an Ethernet network; also knowntaining macros designed to solve specificas thinnet.typesetting problems.The cable is 5 millimeters (0.2 inch) thick,text file See ASCII file.about as thick as your little finger, and cantext mode A mode in which the comput-be used to connect network nodes up to aer displays characters on the screen usingdistance of approximately 165 meters (500the built-in character set, but does not showfeet).Thin Ethernet is primarily used for of-any graphics characters or a mouse pointer.fice installations.Also known as character mode.See also thick Ethernet.TFTP See Trivial File Transfer Protocol.thinnet See thin Ethernet.thick Ethernet Connecting coaxial cableused on an Ethernet network; also known thrashing An excessive amount of diskas thicknet.activity that causes a virtual memory sys-tem to spend all its time swapping pages inThe cable is 1 centimeter (0.4 inch) thick,and out of memory, and no time executingalmost as thick as your thumb, and can bethe application.used to connect network nodes up to a dis-tance of approximately 1006 meters (3300Thrashing can be caused when poor systemfeet).Thick Ethernet is primarily used forconfiguration creates a swap file that is toofacility-wide installations.small or when insufficient memory is in-stalled in the computer.Increasing the sizeSee also thin Ethernet.of the swap file or adding memory are oftenthicknet See thick Ethernet.the best ways to reduce thrashing.380Copyright © 2000 SYBEX Inc., Alameda, CA.www.sybex.com2461book Page 381 Thursday, May 4, 2000 11:59 AMTIA/EIA structured cabling standardsthread 1.A concurrent process that is See also bandwidth.part of a larger process or program.In amultitasking operating system, a single pro- TIA See Telecommunications Industrygram may contain several threads, all run- Association.ning at the same time.For example, oneTIA/EIA structured cablingpart of a program can be making a calcula-standards Standards specified bytion while another part is drawing a graphthe Electronics Industry Association/or a chart.Telecommunications Industries Associa-2.A connected set of postings to a Usenettion (EIA/TIA), including:newsgroup.Many newsreaders presentANSI/EIA/TIA-568-1991 Commercialpostings as threads rather than in strictBuilding Telecommunications Wiring.chronological order.See also multiprocessing; newsgroup;EIA/TIA TSB-36 Additional Cable Speci-newsreader; Usenet.fications for UTP Cables.1991.EIA/TIA TSB-40 Telecommunicationsthreaded newsreader An applicationSystems Bulletin Additional Transmis-used to read the articles posted to Usenetsion Specifications for UTP Connectingnewsgroups.Hardware.1992
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