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.This character Davies, Connie Girl who hosts a dance at heralso appears in  Forging Ahead and  Basil and family s lake house.This character also appearsCleopatra. in  The Scandal Detectives and  The CapturedShadow.Bibble, Mr.and Mrs.Minnie Bibble s parents.In the beginning, Mr.Bibble is initially flattered by Gorman, Joe Basil Duke Lee admires Joe s sing-Basil Duke Lee s attentiveness to his conversation; ing, and Joe is impressed by Basil s popularity withbut after Basil talks too much about himself, Mr.the girls.While spending the night with Joe, BasilBibble decides not to take him along on their fam- offends him by offering advice on how to be moreily trip as he had previously planned.These charac- popular; in retaliation, Joe tells their friends thatters also appear in  Forging Ahead and  Basil and Basil thinks he is wonderful.Cleopatra.Kampf, William S.(Bill) Boy who invites BasilBissel, Imogene Girl who names Basil Duke Duke Lee for a weekend visit while his cousinLee as her favorite boy during a game of Truth.Minnie Bibble is staying at his house.This char-Basil believes he is in love with her, but she is acter, based on Fitzgerald s ST.PAUL friend PAUL 106  High Cost of Macaroni, TheBALLION, also appears in  The Scandal Detec- fight with taxi drivers and a policeman which hetives,  The Captured Shadow, and  Forging treated seriously in TITN.Ahead.Leaming, Elwood He takes Margaret Torrenceto Connie Davies s dance.This character also  His Russet Witchappears in  The Scandal Detectives and  A Nightat the Fair. Fiction.Written November 1920.METROPOLITANMAGAZINE 53 (February 1921), 11 13, 46 51; inTales of the Jazz Age as   O Russet Witch! Lee, Basil Duke See entry for this characterNew York bookstore employee Merlin Graingerunder The Basil and Josephine Stories.enjoys looking through his apartment window atCaroline, a young woman whose apartment build-Reilly, Grandfather Basil Duke Lee s grand-ing faces his.One day she comes to the Moonlightfather, who lets Basil drive his electric car.ThisQuill Bookshop to see him, and she throws bookscharacter also appears in  The Freshest Boy andaround and wrecks the store.A year and a half Forging Ahead.later, he proposes to fellow employee Olive Mastersduring dinner.Caroline, who has been drinking,Torrence, Margaret Girl who tells everyonecomes to the restaurant with three men and dancesthat Basil Duke Lee is wonderful, which makeson the table; Olive regards her as wicked.Mer-him suddenly popular.At Connie Davies s dancelin and Olive marry and have a baby, and MerlinMargaret reveals to Basil that Joe Gorman andis promoted to manager of the bookshop.As heHubert Blair have told everyone that Basil thinksreaches age 35 and becomes aware of the slowinghe is wonderful.This character, based on Fitzger-down of his life, he sees Caroline causing a trafficald s ST.PAUL friend MARIE HERSEY, also appearsjam outside a church as men swarm her car; againin  The Scandal Detectives and  The CapturedOlive disapproves.When he is 65 and sole ownerShadow.of the bookshop, Caroline comes to the shop to buya first edition; she and Merlin discuss what she hasVan Schellinger, Gladys A sheltered rich girlmeant to him through the years.After she leaves,who names Basil Duke Lee as her favorite boy inMerlin is startled when bookstore employee Misstown.This character also appears in  A Night atMcCracken identifies her as dancer Alicia Dare.the Fair and  The Captured Shadow.He suddenly realizes that he has always been a fooland has wasted his opportunities for excitementand glamour. High Cost of Macaroni, TheCHARACTERSArticle.Interim 4, nos.1 2 (1954), 6 15.Caroline Girl whom Merlin Grainger watchesThis unfavorable account of the Fitzgeralds through his apartment window and whom he calls1924 25 visit to ITALY was intended as a compan- Caroline.She comes to symbolize for him glam-ion piece to  How to Live on $36,000 a Year (April our and romance.Many years later he finds out1924) and  How to Live on Practically Nothing a that she was dancer Alicia Dare, now Mrs.ThomasYear (September 1924), but HAROLD OBER was Allerdyce.unable to sell it to a magazine during Fitzgerald slifetime.Fitzgerald incorporated two incidents chauffeur (unnamed) Man who is unable tofrom the article into Tender Is the Night: a dispute identify correctly the first edition for which Carolineover a table allegedly reserved for a princess, and a has sent him into the Moonlight Quill Bookshop.  Honor of the Goon, The 107Grainger, Arthur Son of Merlin and Olive he takes them to the house next to hers, which heGrainger.does not know belongs to producer Harold Marcus.When Marcus arrives unexpectedly, Pat sneaks outGrainger, Merlin Employee of the Moonlight and abandons the Robinsons.Quill Bookshop who watches Caroline through hisCHARACTERSapartment window and encounters her at varioustimes throughout his life.Colman, Ronald (1891 1958) Historical figureand character in  The Homes of the Stars [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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