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.Square Garden.He works at this job for about fiveor six weeks but quits after a worker falls from ascaffold, landing near him.At the same time Stein- 1928beck is writing short stories but has difficulties find- January: Steinbeck completes the Cup of Gold man-ing publishers.uscript.Katherine Beswick, a Stanford friend,agrees to type the manuscript without charge.TedMiller in New York agrees to be his informal agent1926to see if he can get the manuscript published.March: John s uncle, Joe Hamilton, helps him get ajob as a reporter for the New York American.February: Steinbeck starts planning a new novel, The Green Lady, after the Toby Street play,May: Steinbeck does not do well in his job as awhich would later be titled To a God Unknownreporter and is fired.Then John spends the next(1933).month trying his hand as a freelance writer, butafter a number of failures to get his stories pub- May: Steinbeck starts the first draft of his newlished, he decides to return to California.novel, quits his work with the Brighams, and takesa vacation before starting his new job at the TahoeMid-June: Steinbeck returns to California and con-City hatchery.tinues to write, supporting himself with a variety ofJune: Steinbeck meets Carol Henning in Tahoejobs.City.September January: Steinbeck is hired by Mrs.AliceAugust: Lloyd Shebley leaves the hatchery to seek aBrigham, the wealthy widow of a prominent Sanfilm career in Hollywood, and Steinbeck is leftFrancisco surgeon, as a caretaker of her summeralone.home on the south shore of Lake Tahoe.HereSteinbeck spends most of his time writing.September: After Steinbeck and a coworker wreckthe hatchery superintendent s new truck, he is laidOctober: Ernest Hemingway publishes The Sun Alsooff and returns to the family cottage in PacificRises.Grove; he then works as warehouseman in SanFrancisco until he quits the job in late December.1927March: Steinbeck s short story,  The Gifts of Iban,1929is published in the Smoker s Companion under theJanuary: Steinbeck receives word from Ted Millerpseudonym of John Stern.in New York that after seven rejections the  Cup ofApril: With the help of his new acquaintance,Gold manuscript has been accepted for publica-Lloyd Shebley, who works for the California Fishtion by Robert M.McBride.At the same timeand Game Department, Steinbeck gets a part-timeSteinbeck is working hard on the manuscript ofjob at the Tallac Hatchery. The Green Lady.May: On a vacation, Steinbeck goes home to Sali- July: After abandoning the first version of  Thenas and takes several trips to Palo Alto and San Green Lady, Steinbeck is working on a second ver-Francisco.He becomes interested in a play Toby sion of the same story. 340 Critical Companion to John SteinbeckAugust: Cup of Gold is published by McBride.Even December: Steinbeck sends his murder mysterythough the book receives little critical attention, it manuscript,  Murder at Full Moon, to Ted Millersells fairly well.Steinbeck, however, is not happy to see if he can find a publisher.with the garish dust jacket designed by his artistfriend Mahlon Blaine.1931January: Steinbeck becomes a frequent visitor toSeptember 27: Hemingway s A Farewell to Arms isthe Pacific Biological Laboratories located on Can-published by Scribner s Sons.nery Row in Monterey, California.October 29: The New York Stock ExchangeApril: Steinbeck urges Ted Miller to try a new liter-crashes, marking the beginning of the Greatary agency, McIntosh and Otis, to place his manu-Depression.scripts.November: John and Carol announce their inten-tion to marry, and the following month they travel August 18: After receiving the rejection for hissouth to Los Angeles and stay with Carltonmanuscript,  To an Unknown God, SteinbeckSheffield and his wife.plans to rewrite the novel and sends his manuscriptfor  Dissonant Symphony to Ted Miller to passDecember: Steinbeck reads Hemingway s work foralong to McIntosh & Otis, which marks his perma-the first time and realizes that Hemingway s prosenent association with Mavis McIntosh and Eliza-style is very close to what he has been workingbeth Otis, his literary agents.toward.December: Carol finishes typing the  Pastures1930manuscript, and it is sent to Ted Miller in New YorkJanuary 14: John Steinbeck and Carol Henning getto pass along to McIntosh & Otis.married in Glendale, California, with CarltonSheffield as a witness, and they settle in Eagle Rock1932in the hills east of Los Angeles.February 27: On his 30th birthday, SteinbeckMarch: Steinbeck changes the title of the recentlyreceives a telegram from McIntosh & Otis, tellingcompleted  Green Lady to  To an Unknown God,him that  The Pastures of Heaven has beenwhich came from a Vedic hymn.accepted for publication by the publisher, JonathanCape and Harrison Smith.July: Steinbeck finishes the manuscript for  Disso-nant Symphony, an experimental novel, and sendsMarch: Carol Steinbeck gets a job working for Edit to Scribner s for possible publication.Later,Ricketts that pays her $50 a month.Scribner s turns it down.May: Cape and Smith go bankrupt, and  PasturesAugust: John and Carol move out of their home inis picked up by Brewer, Warren & Putnam.Stein-Eagle Rock, and after several moves within thebeck sends a manuscript,  St.Katy the Virgin, toarea of Glendale and Eagle Rock, they move backhis agents, but they are unable to place it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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