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.Ittook me a while (some years ago), but I did find it.A creative andexcellent solution Reds and Blacks , The Mental Mysteries of Hector Chadwick(Hector Chadwick)The phenomenon, Hector Chadwick, recently published his inter-pretation of a color sensing effect, which was partially based uponthe Jones method.Though I had already formed my version prior toits release, I wanted to site his work for the sake of being thorough.Hector s combination of methods is wonderful.Thanks:Special thanks to Pit, Lewis and Michael for allowing me to use theirideas in my routine.You all are gentlemen and some of the finestcreators with which I have had to pleasure to correspond.THE EXTRA MILEThe bonus material section:" The Rhine Trilogy" Photographic Memory" Which Hand(ling)" Better Luck (Next Time)" The Missing LinkThe Rhine TrilogyTelepathy, Clairvoyance and PrecognitionThis is one of my favorite mental presentations.One of my favorite close-up ESP effects is the heralded Viewed ESPPrediction.It is a symbol arrangement prediction created by RichardOsterlind.The following information is a way that I have extendedhis fantastic routine, which allows me to present a full stand-uppresentation.This also serves to introduce background informationabout psychic research.My presentation is inspired by Bob Carver s routine entitled, Telepathy,Clairvoyance and Precognition.This excellent routine, which usesplaying cards, can be found in Charles Pecor s Sinister Variations book.Though my presentation bears no similarity in method, the theme hascertainly been affected by his presentation.I hope you are well versedin the difference of those abilities.I introduce these notions with athree phase effect, ending with a finale of Viewed ESP Prediction.Here are the three phases:The Rhine Trilogy 103Telepathy:The performer will hand the on-stage participant one of each five ESPsymbol cards (and sets the rest of the ESP deck aside).The performerasks him to decide on one symbol, burn it into his mind and thenshow the audience.He is instructed to keep it away from the magi svision.Now, with his back turned away, the performer demonstrates Telepathy by reading his mind and revealing the thought-of symbol.This is impressive, trust me.Now the performer explains and thenoffers to demonstrate Clairvoyance.Clairvoyance:Now the participant is asked the mix the mix symbol packet, to precludehim from knowing which symbol is where.He is now instructed toremove one ESP, but not to look at it.The audience is allowed to seeit, but he is not.Once again, the performer is able to reveal the symbolwith his back turned.Each phase builds on the prior effect and eachdemonstration is perceived as more difficult than the one prior.Nowthe performer explains that he will attempt the most difficult psychictest, the Precognition test.Precognition (View ESP Prediction):Precognition is explained to be the ability to predict events or patternsbefore they occur.The five previously removed ESP symbols arereturned to the deck and the pack is shuffled by the performer.Theperformer now demonstrates this ability with Richard s wonderfulroutine, which climaxes with a prediction of five randomly chosenESP symbols.Notes and method:There is no question that Richard s routine is powerful on its own.I just wanted to adapt it to a longer presentation that I could use tointroduce psychic themes.The first two phases will appear different,though they are accomplished with the same method.They both usean accomplice in the audience who cues the identity of the chosen ESP104 Contemplationssymbol.I won t suggest a particular set of cues to use for the valuesof 1-5, which correspond to the numeric values of the symbols.Thatis a personal matter.However, the over the shoulder peek (a la Annemann)works like a charm.Since performing this routine, I have bought an electronic thumperdevice (so I no longer have use a visual cue).I own Shrink s 7th Sense,but I hear great things about Christopher Taylor s Pro Thumper ,which is currently available.I offer this routine here, as a bonus, sincethe final phase depends on the wonderful routine of Richard s (whichmeans I won t fully describe that phase).If you own his book or DVDthat describes the routine, you now have a simple and powerful three-phase ESP presentation.It is worthy to note that I use a board andhave the symbols arranged in an upright display to allow the entireaudience to see.A final comment: I realize that phase two has a major discrepancy.Thisis the fact that the audience is allowed to see the symbol, while theon-stage participant is not.From our perspective, if one could reallyuse telepathy, they would just read the mind of an audience member.In other words, this can t be completely consistent with the notion ofclairvoyance.I have never had this questioned, but I just wanted toacknowledge this fact.Don t underestimate the impact of this routine.Being able to varythe methods, in one fantastic three phase set makes this presentationimpenetrable.This is one of my most powerful effects.It is easilyunderstood and has a dramatic effect on the audience
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